Our goal
At New Life Camp is to provide guests with an environment free from the distractions of everyday life.
Our mission is to present the gospel of Jesus Christ in a memorable, quality camp environment.
We pray that in this place, everyone will grow in their relationship with God or come to know Him for the first time.
We offer
New Life Camp specializes in equipping groups with a camp environment free of distractions so that the group can focus on making an impact for Christ.
Our staff will take care of the cooking, maintaining facilities, and staffing of high adventure activities while our group leaders can focus on things like chapel sessions, small groups, programming games, and building relationships with their campers so that they may grow closer to the Lord.
We believe
Camp can impact a person’s walk with Christ, and we aim to keep the cost as low as possible for our guests to ensure that those who wish to attend New Life are able to.
Camper fees cover the utilities, food, upkeep of Camp, and staff salaries. At the same time, things like capital projects, new activities, and renovations are not added to our fees and are done through donations.